Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Laser Dentistry

Laser Dentistry in Monroe Township NJ

Raise your hand if you like needles! Right, nobody likes them. So, what would you say if you could have your new fillings placed painlessly without drills or needles? Right, it doesn't seem true, does it?

With a revolutionary new laser technology known as WaterLase™, it is possible. Unlike lasers of the past, this laser is used for both gum and tooth procedures. Previous dental lasers were used only for the gums or for whitening the teeth.

The WaterLase is a breakthrough in comfortable dentistry. Energy from the laser is absorbed by water instead of by the teeth. The microscopic water droplets are energized by the laser, and it is actually the energized water that removes the tooth decay - and usually with no pain and no need for needles. For many dental procedures the WaterLase replaces the dentist’s drill.

Read more on Laser Dentistry in NJ

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Headaches and Jaw Pain?

Did you know that dental occlusion (i.e. your bite) can be the cause of headaches, aching or popping jaws, shoulder pain, and even neck pain?

If your teeth have been ground down over the years or lost due to accident, dental disease or negligence, your jaw may not be able to settle into a naturally relaxed position, causing tension in the muscles in the jaw.

This condition, also known as TMJ Disorder, may seem harmless at first, but it can lead to a variety of discomfort and pain. TMJ or TMD, as it is also known, stand for Temporomandibular joint disorder and the disorder and resultant dysfunction can cause significant pain and impairment.

Approximately 35 million people in the United States suffer from TMJ related problems. While both men and women experience TMJ disorders, the majority of those seeking treatment are women in their childbearing years.

Some people may have already grown accustomed to living with the symptoms of TMJ, not knowing how to diagnose it or simply for not knowing that there are alternatives available. By using a custom-made dental orthodontic by a professional dentist, the jaw can return to its natural position.

This type of orthodontic is a non-invasive removable appliance, which will allow your jaw to progressively move back to its intended position, relieving pain and discomfort and reducing the chances of more serious injuries.

Read more on TMJ Treatment in NJ

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Get a New Smile with Cosmetic Dentistry

You probably heard of cosmetic dentistry before, however it doesn't necessarily have to mean an extreme makeover or something reserved for celebrities only.

Nowadays, you can improve your smile in many ways, without having to go through surgery or spending a huge amount of money. Teeth whitening is certainly one of them. With take-home kits, it is possible to have brilliantly white teeth without stains or darkness, usually within 1 to 14 days. An experienced dentist can assist you with professional-strength whitening strips or custom whitening trays prepared in the office.

If you still have silver-mercury amalgam (very common some years ago) you are most likely familiar with the constant memory of not wanting to smile or laugh for the sake of not showing those dark spots in your teeth. Aesthetically speaking we all know white fillings look natural and beautiful. What you may or may not know is that silver-mercury amalgams pose another problem: metal does not bond well to teeth, so decay can and does eventually leak into the tooth.

Modern, state-of-the-art restorations, with that natural-looking white color can replace these amalgams. It will make your smile look amazing but it will also allow your teeth to be stronger, reducing the chance of decay in the future.

Now, if you need a little more help and are looking to restore your smile, crowns, fixed bridges, implants, custom life-like dentures and partials, porcelain veneers and bonding can be a good choice too.

Read more on cosmetic dentistry in Monroe Township NJ